Accelerus - Assessment and reporting software for schools

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Home \ Support \ Accelerus Administrators \ Support \ Accelerus Light Administrators \ Troubleshooting \ What is the best way to allow for proofreading?

What is the best way to allow for proofreading?

The best way to proofread will depend on who your proofreaders are, what they wish to proofread and whether they prefer to do it on screen or with a printed report.  Below are the three most common methods.

  1. ON SCREEN:Where your proofreader wishes to read the reports via Accelerus and only wants to see the results and not the final look of the student’s report.

    Your proofreader will require either a Home Group, Year Level or School role, which will allow them to see all the results for their home group, Year Level or for every enrolment in the school. This is setup by the administrator (More info can be found in the "Manage permissions" chapter of the training notes).

    • Go to the Home Group / Year Level / School menu
    • Select Student profile
    • Choose the student to proofread in the left menu
    • Choose the class to proofread in the left menu
    • Click on the relevant classes as needed
  2. ON PAPER - as a listing: Where your proofreader prefers the reports on a paper copy but does not need to see the final version of the reports.
    • Ask the teacher of the class to go to Assess Classes
    • Go to the class(es) that need to be given to the proofreaders
    • Go to either the Grid or Student View
    • Click Print
    • Click on All Results if the proofreader is to be checking every result, or on Comment results if the proofreader wishes to print out the comments only.
    • This will open a new tab. Print this report via the printing options in your browser, or save it and email it to the person doing the proofreading.
    • These steps can also be taken by the administrator for all classes in the school, via the School menu.
  3. ON PAPER - in the report format: Where your proofreader prefers to read the reports as they will be sent home to the family (either on screen or as a print out)
    • Process the reports to either a word or a pdf file, following the steps you would normally take to process a report job.
    • If the teacher wishes to see a screen copy of the report, email the report or save it onto their network so they can access the files.
    • If the teacher wishes to have a printed version of their report, download the reports and print them, using the method you normally use to produce a printed report.